Submission Guidelines
All submissions are subject to review by the publications team. We currently accept submissions from both JALT members and non-members.
The School House is published three times a year (winter, spring, and summer/autumn).
Submissions for The School House are accepted on an ongoing basis.
Types of articles:
- Feature research-based articles (3,000 – 5,000 words)
- Short articles (maximum 1,500 words)
- Interviews (1,000 – 3,000 words)
- Classroom ideas (maximum 1,000 words)
- Book reviews (700–2,000 words) 700 – 2,000 words)
- Conference/ presentation reviews (700 – 2,000 words)
- Text Reviews (700 – 2,000 words based on a text you actually used in class.
- Language program reviews (600 – 1500 words)
Quick Formatting Guidelines:
Style: The School House follows the APA 7 style for English manuscripts, in particular for research-based articles.
Font: Times New Roman size 12 for the entire manuscript
Line spacing: 1.5
New pages for: Appendixes and references/bibliography
Title, author’s name(s), and affiliation: Centre
Text: Left aligned. Paragraphs are indented
Headings/subheadings: no numbers.
- Level 1: Centre bold font Title Case Heading (text begins with an indent)
- Level 2: Flush left, Bold, Title Case Heading
- Level 3: Flush left, Bold, Italic, Title Case Heading
*Articles other than feature research-based articles may be formatted alternatively.
Submission procedure
- Submit a cover sheet with the name(s) and institution(s) of the author(s). Biography(-ies) and photographs of the author(s)’ are also welcome.
- Please remove all identifiable references to author(s) and location(s) in the text of the manuscript.
- We encourage illustrations, photos, and examples of students’ work to help readers visualize your content.
- Please email your (APA formatted) manuscript and cover sheet, in Word (.doc and .docx) format to theschoolhouse.tylsig[@] (remember to remove the []).
Please ensure to:
- Indicate the type of article you are submitting in the body of the email.
- Include your name as you want it to appear in the journal.
- Include your affiliation (the name of where you work).
- Three, or four key words for your article (if applicable).
Publication of research articles is subject to a double-blind peer review. The evaluation process for research-based articles typically takes about four weeks, after which time the author will be informed of the peer reviewers’ decision.
Non-research articles are proofread to ensure consistency for publishing.